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Friday, July 2, 2010

My Little Man

This is my little man. He was 3 months at the time. He's nearly 6 months now, so I need to get updated pictures.

Not Really Failure

So the blog thing and the walking thing haven't been working out so well. I've had a monster of all weeks so had to put both on hold.

On Tuesday Randall stayed home from work which left me more time to do some work. So I mistakenly let my boss know I could do some extra work. I've since learned from my mistakes and will never do that again. She spent the entire day piling work on me. I worked from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. the following day, with a short 4 hour nap (interrupted once to feed Therin) at night. She even tried to give me more work after that but I shut down and took a break. The following day she again gave me quite a bit of work. I worked from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. and then had to start again at 6 pm. and didn't finish until 10:30.

To top all of the work insanity we've had nothing but rain since Tuesday. So I can't really take the blame for ignoring both my walk and my blog. I desperately want to get back out there today, but alas, we still have rain. It's unfortunate because the temperature is fairly nice out.

So now for an update on Therin. Last night Randall tried a new tactic for his nightly 10:00 wakening (which was early last night). It was sort of accidental too. I had to call my mom and woke him up in doing so. I continued to talk to my mom while Randall wrangled the screaming child. When I finally went to his rescue, Therin was quieting down. He eventually got him back to sleep. Success! You can't begin to understand the relief at passing that hurdle. We've had to deal with him waking up at exactly 10:00 every single night for months. You could set a clock to it.

I assumed after that we wouldn't have any problems. I even thought maybe Randall could get him to "cry it out" later in the night. I was sadly mistaken. Therin woke again at 11:30. I fed him as it had been 4 1/2 hours since he'd eaten. He woke again at 2:30. Since it'd only been 3 hours I let Randall try the cry-it-out thing again. No such luck. I ended up having to feed him again.

Starting tonight I'm going to sleep in the room with him. My hope is that I can catch him before he fully wakes up. We'll see how it goes.

Now if I could just figure out how to get him to nap.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Journey Begins

I've decided to start a blog. Not because I really want to be a blogger, because I don't. I've never even been a fan of blogging. But I need a place to go to talk about things I do, update my family on Therin, and just generally keep track of my everyday life.

My life's not really all that exciting. I work from home so I can be with my baby boy. I transcribe, edit and evaluate websites. The most important thing in my life is God and my family, in that order. So you'll probably see a lot of talk about Randall, Therin, and my church family.

Another reason I decided to start this blog is that I want to track my fitness goals. Yes, I've tried many times to have "fitness goals" and each time has had varying degrees of success. My hope is that by having a physical place to talk about my journey and by allowing others to see what I'm doing, I'll have more stick-to-itivness this time around. Plus I can see my progress and keep myself motivated.

My ultimate goal is to run a marathon but I have little mini goals along the way. My first mini goal is to walk for 30 days straight. That will help my legs and feet get used to the pounding that comes from walking and running. It will also test my motivation to keep with something.

So yesterday I took a nice long hour walk with Therin to the bank. Today I took nearly an hour around the neighborhood. The first 2 days are done.